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Jul 8, 2011

Southampton City Changed So Rubbish

Southampton - Millions of bags of garbage to meet most of the corners of the City of Southampton after the janitors strike the city is carrying out the work after the local government issued a policy of cuts in their salaries.

It has been seven weeks of action was implemented. Southampton turned into a city that smells and unhealthy. Not only odor that disturbs, populations multiply rapidly along with the flies that helped make the scene becomes seedy.

Although eventually the janitor's back to work on yesterday, but the average litter at every road block that reaches 2000 ton takes approximately two to three weeks to be completely clean again. Thus was launched Dailymail on Friday (08/07/2011).

Local government also apologized for the effects arising from policies that have now been abolished it. And has revoked the policy at the urging residents.

Previously, local governments spend money of 17,000 pounds for cleanliness each month to be mengehemat spending up to 25 million pounds a year.