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Jul 29, 2011

Will China So Libya Both?

BEIJING - The emergence of large-scale demonstrations in Egypt and Libya and other Arab countries, raises a question: Will China's massive demonstrations as occurred in the Middle East region.
China is not like Egypt, the people of China today looks much happier than in previous years. They also paid little attention to what's happening in the Arab world.
China also does not have such a leader Moammar Gaddafi or former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt for more than 10 years despite the Communist country has only one party.
However, the Chinese Government seems to pay sufficient attention to what is happening in the Middle East. Chinese President Hu Jintao earlier called for strict supervision of Internet use. Similarly, as reported by Forbes on Saturday (30/07/2011).
Earlier, the activists in China had asked the public to take action on the street. Activists call this measure Jasmine Jasmine Revolution or Revolution.
Some activists also take action by calling the online government services with demanding availability of adequate food, shelter habitable.
Also reported the activists got the idea of ​​revolution by revolution on the Tunisian President Ben Ali to depose.
When the Chinese government still thinks that the strict control of society will create stability, it is questionable.
Demonstrations in the Middle East generally clear evidence that the government put pressure on the protesters and the people protesting it. The protesters instead of anti-government protests in his country and even chaos arise and make the condition of the country's increasingly vacillating and difficult to return to normal.
Instead of tightening controls, the Chinese Government should address the problems that occurred in his country as fighting corruption and inflation.
Government of China a few weeks ago already executing officials involved in corruption cases. This is a great achievement, and Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao also vowed to severely punish the perpetrators of corruption that allegedly responsible for the incidence of train accident in China.
Corruption and other scandals erupted in the China railway network. Three railway officials have been fired because of china also occurred deadly accident that killed 39 victims.
However regrettable is China imprisoned a journalist because after writing articles exposing corruption scandals Chinese officials.
A writer Helen Wang's hope China will not become a second Libya. China's stable is the desire of the Chinese people and also the whole society in this world. Many Western countries are betting on the Chinese market to boost their incomes.
Perhaps this is a good time for China not to tighten control over society. Each country will not prosper if its people are not given complete freedom.