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Jul 19, 2011

Prison Chief Forced to Have Sex In Women Prisoners

Begun and a head of institution (prison) for women sentenced to prison for five years because it proved to have sex with inmates. Thus was launched the Daily Mail, Tuesday (19/07/2011).

Head of the prison named Russell Thorne (41) appeared in court accompanied by a number of items of evidence between the Argos catalog, Red Bull energy drinks, biscuits, and permit the release of female inmates in exchange for sex with him if willing.

In a trial that took place at Guildford Crown Court revealed if a married man is using the power and charisma of a weak woman and asked meeka sex in a prison library and also in the manufacture of cabinets.

Thorne considered to have damaged the women at the prison near Sutton, Surrey, England, and only revealed after several women complained.

A female prisoner said he was ordered to go to the table before Thorne perform oral sex on him. He claimed the party had to follow him for fear of being held for his friends in prison will be canceled.