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Jul 14, 2011

24 Thousand Missing Documents Pentagon's Secret

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon reported that 24 they lost thousands of secret documents. Lost because of the confidential documents stolen by a foreign intelligence through partnerships Pentagon.

United States Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn says, this loss will not weaken American efforts to improve the security system.

Nevertheless, he acknowledged breakdown of the computer data from the Pentagon partner touches the rather important information.

Lynn breaker ensures that data retrieve all data relating to the defense system being developed by the Ministry of Defense.

"All we estimate the missing data was stolen by foreign intelligence services. In other words, a country involved in the theft of this data," said Lynn told AFP on Friday (07/15/2011).

"But we have not been able to find out who the perpetrators behind this data theft," he continued.

The Pentagon to make sure this latest attack is part of a series of other attacks. Data theft is also not the biggest suffered by a counterparty Ministry of Defense.

However, Lynn admitted that within five to six years, the Pentagon was often get similar data theft attacks.