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Jul 13, 2011

Within a year the Government of China has 1.3 million Internet Site Blocking

BEIJING - I was so worried by the impact of cyberspace, the Chinese government has closed more than one million sites in 2010.

This was disclosed by the Academy of Social Sciences of China (CASS), a think-tank institutions that managed the Bamboo Curtain countries. "The number of sites dropped 41% in late 2010, larger than the previous year," said the CASS.

China officials tighten up the internet settings in recent years, and they have to combat the porn sites in 2009 ago.

CASS researcher, Liu Ruisheng, said there was no link to force China to be at a high level of freedom of speech online. "Although the number of sites dropped dramatically, but the number of web pages increased to 60 billion during 2010, up 79% over the previous year," he said.

"This means our content is getting stronger, while we were getting tighter supervision and decisively," Ruisheng added.

The civil rights activists have long criticized the sensors that Chinese government sites, and implement controls, known as the Great Firewall of China.

Numerous Internet sites are routinely blocked, such as the BBC Chinese language service, and social networking sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.