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Jul 14, 2011

Wow,, Ticket 'Harry Potter 7' Sold $ 25 Million

Ticket 'Harry Potter 7' Sold $ 25 Million. Warner Bros. explained, tickets sold online are expected to be translucent $ 31 million at the premiere tomorrow. Prospective audience mostly buy tickets through an application on their mobile phones. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 'will premiere in the United States and Canada on Friday (07/15/2011) this weekend. However, since Tuesday (12/07/2011) worth of tickets already sold $ 25 million!

Warner Bros. also predicts, in the first three days of screenings ticket sales will break the $ 130-140 million. Records will be solved if fans choose to watch the 3D version which is more expensive ticket prices.

The previous record was held by the Batman sequel, 'The Dark Knight' in 2008. 'The Dark Knight' broke the $ 158 million in the first 3 days. 'Harry Potter 7' will be able to hit a record this if half the audience watch the 3D version.

Meanwhile, fans of Harry Potter in Indonesia is still aired on diresahkan with uncertainty in Indonesia. Should be the last sequel of Harry Potter's debut in Indonesia July 13.