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Jun 17, 2011

Trent Babies are Not Afraid Brave Lion

COLORADO - A one-year-old baby named Trent, is now a celebrity on Youtube because it acted a brave face snarling lion.

During his visit to the zoo in Cheyenne, Colordao, United States, Trent seemed so interested in a female named Lomela carnivores.

Unlike other small children that actually scared or even cry when she saw an animal scary grinning in front of him, Trent actually seemed impressed and actually looks more and more intrigued by these animals.

Safely Trent watched the lion growling and showing its fangs through the glass wall is sturdy.

The moment was immortalized by the parents Trent and uploaded to You Tube. Telegraph preach on Friday (17/06/2011) Trent funny videos have been viewed by 700 thousand users You Tube.