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Jun 17, 2011

This bulb Fixed Nyala Over 110 Years

CALIFORNIA - A bulb that is paired in a firehouse in Livermore, California, has been declared as the oldest permanent fixture "work" by the Guinness Book of World Records.

Because the bulb is already 110 years old this year and still stays on.

As reported by the Telegraph, Friday (17/06/2011), this bulb was a gift from a businessman in 1901. Had not used a few weeks in 1903 and for a week in 1937. This bulb also had "rested" a few times in 1976 when there was a mass power outage. But until 2011, this four-watt lamp is still emitting light.

The length of life of the bulb is even still being studied by scientists.

Strangeness of this lamp was recognized Committee Chair City of Light Lamp oelh Lynn Owens. Lynn admits that researchers are still confused about the greatness of the lamp.

"Nobody knows how it happened on the bulb. Maybe this is the only 60-watt bulb turned on for about four watts but no one knows why it continues to shine the light," Lynn said.

"We've invited several scientists from around the country to see the bulb. But of course nothing is ever able to touch it, because the heat" added Lynn.

Bulb has become a tourist attraction for Livermore. And even made ​​a comedy central comic feature to celebrate the "birthday" is a bulb that reaches 110 years.