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Jun 28, 2011

Iranian Missiles Capable Create Distance

TEHRAN - Iran's Revolutionary Guards senior commander said that his country iscapable of making long-range missiles than they have today. But according to him,Iran would not make the missile due to the current Israel and the United States (U.S.)is within serangnya.

Amir Ali Hajizadeh said weapons from Iran's Revolutionary Guard now has missiles that reach a distance of 2,000 kilometers. Israeli missiles may touch U.S. militarybases in the Persian Gulf. In addition, these missiles can also reach some areas ofsouthern and eastern Europe.

Hajizadeh claims that Iran has technology that can reach farther distances. But theparty claimed to have no intention to make the missile a distance exceeding 2,000miles.

During this time, Iran relies on medium-range missiles to anticipate attacks fromopponents. They conducted war games with melesakan medium-range missilestoward the set targets.

"Today we did a war with missiles fired Zelzals, Shahabs and Ghdar," said Hajizadehtold Reuters on Tuesday (28/06/2011). "We have a long-range missile technology, but we do not need it and do not intend to make," he continued.

"The Zionist regime (Israel) is 1,200 kilometers from Iran. We were able to reach itwith missiles as Semnan and Damghan which has a range up to 2,000 kilometers," according to his rank of brigadier generals.

While the war exercises conducted by Iran's military today, recognized Hajizadeh notintend to target other countries. But he claims this practice as a form of a message of peace and friendship.