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Jul 5, 2011

Funny thing is This Old Bird Brother Can jig Lively

INDIANAPOLIS - Recommend, named Snowball. He is a YouTube star with dancing talent.

Snowball is a parrot phenomenal. The reason, he can dance with the music.

This 13-year-old bird would nod his head up and down or shake your head while moving his feet to the left and right, when he listened to the music of pop and rock music that he liked.

Snowball unusual behavior is also even to make takjub.para animal researchers in the state of the United States, Indiana.

As reported by Dailymail, Tuesday (05/07/2011), snowball is considered a phenomenon in which it was not just humans who have a sense of a rhythm. Because, Snowball to dance like a man who understands the tugs rhythm and customize it into a dance movement.

Music that can bring the listener to move his limbs like the music that was Queen, the Backstreet Boys and Lady Gaga, helped make the birds have a tuft of yellow is moving his head, stepped to the left and right, even down to his feet and occasionally shook his body to adjust the flow of music heard.