KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysian opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, immediately rushed to hospital after a known injury while participating in protests demanding electoral reforms.
"I underwent a CT scan to check for injuries," said Anwar in his twitter account.
While some time after the examination, Anwar claimed he suffered multiple injuries. Some of the injuries experienced include on the head and some minor injuries in the legs.
"I'm fine, just feeling a little dizzy," said Anwar told AFP on Sunday (10/07/2011).
Nurul Izzah, daughter of former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister confirmed that his father was undergoing a CT scan to find out other injuries. Nurul claimed his father suffered injuries after police fired tear gas to Pakatan Rakyat leaders who also participated in this protest.
Women who are also members of Parliament representing Malaysia's Coastal Valley region, ensuring an aide to Anwar also had wounds on the forehead. While Anwar himself is now at her house, after receiving treatment in hospital.
Net 2.0 Responding to protests that took place Saturday, July 9 yesterday, the Prime Minister Najib Razak urged people not to do a similar demonstration. According to the protests that occurred is not part of Malaysian culture.
"Malaysia is a country where people want to live in peace and want in a country that has a bright future," said Najib was commenting on protests Net 2.0.
Najib who is also chairman of the ruling UMNO party today, a majority of Malaysians asked not to be silent. He encouraged them to support the government.